"Time To Reflect" Grand Canyon Painting Print
In this scene, a rafter is seen drifting through a captivating landscape created by water and time. In the distance, a storm rolls through. The last glow of daylight challenges the onlookers to find a comfortable camp soon, but as they wait for the river to deliver them to a sandy beach, they reflect on the true scale of time and it’s fleeting essence.
Original painting was sold at auction in February 2024 via National Paddling Film Festival to support American Whitewater and other various river stewardship organizations.
Reference photo courtesy of Rachel Kelleher.
In this scene, a rafter is seen drifting through a captivating landscape created by water and time. In the distance, a storm rolls through. The last glow of daylight challenges the onlookers to find a comfortable camp soon, but as they wait for the river to deliver them to a sandy beach, they reflect on the true scale of time and it’s fleeting essence.
Original painting was sold at auction in February 2024 via National Paddling Film Festival to support American Whitewater and other various river stewardship organizations.
Reference photo courtesy of Rachel Kelleher.
In this scene, a rafter is seen drifting through a captivating landscape created by water and time. In the distance, a storm rolls through. The last glow of daylight challenges the onlookers to find a comfortable camp soon, but as they wait for the river to deliver them to a sandy beach, they reflect on the true scale of time and it’s fleeting essence.
Original painting was sold at auction in February 2024 via National Paddling Film Festival to support American Whitewater and other various river stewardship organizations.
Reference photo courtesy of Rachel Kelleher.